2016년 3월 21일 월요일

Only Medical Hyaluronic Acid Filler : Disposable Filler-Cannula (face full line up & wrinkles removal)

Only Medical 
Hyaluronic Acid Filler

Product name : Dispoable Filler-Cannula

Purpose of Use 

It is a Catheter cannula that is inserted into blood vessel or
body cavity for general purpose, and is connected to connector or tube.

1. Full face (most used) : 23G, 25G
2. Eyes : 27G, 30G
3. Volumes : 21G

Disposable Filler-Cannula Diamater & Length 

- 21G(φ0.8) / 50mm 
- 22G(φ0.31) / 50mm
- 23G(φ0.6) / 30mm, 50mm, 70mm
- 24G(φ0.8) / 50mm
- 25G(φ0.5) / 40mm, 50mm 
- 27G(φ0.41) / 30mm, 40mm
- 30G(φ0.31) / 25mm, 30mm

Disposable filler-cannula inquiry and order,
please send the e-mail or please visit our home page :) 

Contact Us 

Tel : +82-2-978-0997 
Fax : +82-2-978-0998
Home page : www.onlymedical.co.kr

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